Category Archives: Uncategorized

Oh for goodness sake…

Please, when you see a funeral procession, pull over to the side of the road. Please. And please do NOT try to cut through the procession, no matter how much of a hurry you’re in…

I just saw a news snippet that a soldier in Tennessee died. During the funeral procession to the cemetery, which included the Patriot Guard Riders, some lady tried to cut through the procession, putting a motorcyclist in the hospital (and most likely totaling an expensive bike).
Motorcycles do NOT stop or turn faster than cars — especially when they’re in a funeral procession.
I’ve had this nearly happen to me here in Sioux City, too. If you’re so busy you need to cut through a funeral procession to get to where you gotta be, it might be time for you to take stock of how you’re living your life.
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

Things I’m pondering lately…

I design most of my sites based on tables with an external CSS style sheet attached. Some people use div tags combined with internal CSS code almost exclusively to get the same result. Anyone know which is better? I’m good at working with tables, and I suck with divs. I’m slowly learning how to hand code div tags, but I don’t know how much time I should spend learning this particular method…

I just checked, and Blogger uses div tags where I’d use old-fashioned br tags… And, I got an error when I went to post this, saying “Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed: DIV” Hmmm. Seems divs might not be so bullet-proof.

I got to play with the Sioux City renowned Smokin’ Clams last Saturday. I played with the Clams for years and years in the early-mid oughts. It was fun to be able to play in their “reunion gig.” We had people fly in from Washington State, Texas, and a few other places just to play the one gig. It was a fun band to be in, and it was fun to see everyone again last Saturday!

What a cold spell. We’ve been seeing -25, in some places near here -30 temps. It’s warmed up to -15 now… Wouldn’t be quite so bad, except it keeps snowing. Blich.

I hear one more conversation start, “Yeah, it’s a bit chilly out there, huh” followed by the inevitable “Yep, kinda brisk, ain’t it,” I’m gonna strangle ’em both. When you get below eight or ten degrees, it’s just plain cold. When you get down under ten below, it’s real cold.

Oddly, I’m hearing complaints from friends of mine in other parts of the country as well, and I don’t feel the need to compete. “Man, it got down to 38 degrees last night!” Well, we’d need to warm up 53 degrees just to get UP to 38 degrees… But if you’re used to sixty, thirty-eight is downright cold. It’s all relative; it’s all what you’re used to…

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

The Blizzard of 09

Well, it looks like we’ll survive.

The weatherdude forecast about 20 inches of snow, and that’s about what we got… We’ve been snowed in since Wednesday (today’s Sunday). Hopefully the snowplow will come soon — we still can’t get out.
Yesterday Dagmar and I were happily lazing around the house, enjoying the enforced idleness a snowstorm brings, when we heard an odd noise outside. Dagmar trotted to the nearest window. “It’s de neighbor kid,” she said in that neat Austrian accent of hers. “He’s got dat snowyblowy machine. I think he’s going to help us with our sidevalk!”
“That’s cool,” I said, “but if he’s doing the sidewalk, who’s this in our driveway?” It turns out the neighbor kid was going up and down the block getting the sidewalks, and the across-the-street-kiddycorner neighbor was playing with his new snowblower and decided to get our driveway for us. Way cool!
Dagmar and I grabbed our boots and shovels and went outside to (oddly enough) help the neighbors help us. Within an an hour and a half, maybe two hours, we’d managed to get the sidewalk cleared, the driveway tunneled out, and even backed the car a little ways down the driveway so we could shovel the hood of the car off. We’d also helped push the neighbor lady back into the alley where she parks her car (she was trying to go somewhere, but didn’t make it more than five feet into the street before she got stuck).
We missed Christmas at the family farm today, sadly, as the snowplows haven’t been through yet. I think by law they have to touch every street in town at least once by midnight tonight (at least that’s what someone told me). I know they’ve been through the “rich” part of town three times already… I have to admit, I was a little upset when we walked Zoey-pup up the street yesterday and saw that they’d cleared a dead-end street with no businesses or houses on it, but not any of the other streets in our neighborhood. Go figger.
This is also about the time after a snowstorm that the news stations all announce that all citizens must have their sidewalks shoveled no later than 24 hours after the snow stopped falling. Unless, of course, you’re a business or a government entity, for some reason (none of the stores or restaurants around here ever shovel their walks, nor does the city shovel the sidewalks on public property). It never fails to grump me out.
But in any case, Dagmar and I are both a little sad that our snow-vacation is coming to an end. Tomorrow she goes back to work, as do I. We’ve really enjoyed being snowed in, oddly enough… I do feel bad for the homeless people in the neighborhood, and the people who lived in the apartment building down the street that caught fire a few days ago. During the height of the storm I heard sirens nearly nonstop as emergency personnel responded to various crises (heart attacks, car accidents, rescuing people in SUV’s who think they can go through five-foot snowdrifts), but my little family was safe and snug…
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”


I’ve been mucking about with my blog’s template this morning… I’m pretty happy with the result, OTHER than the fact that I’ve lost all my links to my friends’ blogs. In order to get my blog to match the rest of I had to switch from a .xml to .html template, so I can’t simply copy the code over like I’d hoped…

The REALLY sad part is that the only way I found many of my friends’ blogs was by clicking on the links… In other words, I’m not sure how to find everyone’s blogs again to enter them in manually. So, um, I hate to make y’all do this, but if you want your blog linked in my sidebar, please, please send me a link (either via e-mail or through the comments)… I apologize!
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”


Just a few notes, randomly…

1. Apologies for not blogging lately. No excuse, just busy.
2. I am NOT happy with Great Southern Bank. My longtime bank, First Federal, recently changed its name to Vantus for no apparent reason. Shorly after that, they were bought out by Great Southern Bank, based not in my hometown, but rather in Kansas City. Not only are they adding more fees and service charges, a very confusing online banking system to replace a very intuitive system, a change to the schedule on when all our bills come out of the account (NOT a good thing!), but they also forced all their customers to replace debit and credit cards. The new cards are ugly, but I can live with that. They have new PIN numbers for us to learn, but I can live with that. What really bites is that they made all their customers “activate” the cards on the same day. So last Monday I had to troop down to the bank to get my new cards “activated” before I could use them. Of course it was well below zero outside, and of course the bank couldn’t “activate” the cards indoors but rather made us all go stand outside at the ATM.
Now for the REALLY sucky part — the new bank made a mistake and locked up all the business accounts. “That’s okay,” I said, “I’ll just use my old card.” Turns out they’d already arrogantly deactivated my old card — leaving me with no way to access my business funds, pay bills, accept payments… My business is dead in the water, financially, until they get this straightened out. It’s been nearly a full business week now, and I still can’t access my funds.
As much as we enjoy the ladies at the local branch office (they’re terrific to work with, personally) I can’t afford to have this sort of thing happen. We’re switching banks.
3. On the other end of the spectrum, I’ve had terrific experiences with the online print company VistaPrint lately. They’ve really gone out of their way to get orders to me on time, and when a customer did get an order late due to the blizzard, VistaPrint refunded the shipping costs without any question. I’ve also had good dealings with real-live print company Record Printing (I used to work there, so when I have a customer who needs something printed that Record Printing can do, I always recommend Record).
4. I highly encourage anyone whose insurance is denying coverage to send their bill to Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Diot), who is currently grandstanding, posturing, and greatly enjoying his moment in the limelight — much to the dismay of the 70% of Americans who want Health Care Reform to pass.
5. Had a great time at the Chesterfield last weekend — photos at
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

Veterans Day

Veterans Day… You know, that phrase didn’t mean much to me when I was a kid. I kinda had it mixed up in my mind with Presidents Day and Arbor Day — just a day that people talk about. Sure, it was a holiday, I guess, but we didn’t get any presents or candy, and I didn’t know any veterans or anything.
It was just a day.

I don’t remember exactly when I started to realize what a “veteran” was. Of course I knew that my grandpa had been in WWII, but he wasn’t a veteran, he was Grandpa. I knew that I had aunts and uncles in the Air Force and Army, but they were people who lived a long ways away and I didn’t really know them. Sometimes Grandpa put on his funny-looking Legion hat and went to carry a flag in a parade. He considered it a big honor, but I didn’t really know why.

I gradually realized that I knew more people who had military experience than I thought. Both grandfathers, most of my uncles on my dad’s side, nearly everyone on my mom’s side of the family — they’d all served, quietly and without fuss. A lot of my dad’s friends were introduced with a whispered tag “he was in Vietnam.”

The day after I turned 17 I found myself staring across a big metal desk at the recruiter from the local Army National Guard unit. He needed my father’s signature before I could join as I was underage. Since my dad was the Scoutmaster for the Boy Scout troop in town and I didn’t want to drag the recruiter ten miles out to the farm, it seemed natural to bring the recruiter to the Boy Scout meeting that night.

So I officially joined the Army National Guard at a Boy Scout meeting.

Oddly enough, it was well after I had gone through Basic Training and AIT, graduated from high school, and had a year or two of college history classes under my belt before I started to realize what those in the generations before me had done. While I certainly knew of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, I knew of them in an abstract way. I don’t really remember the Vietnam war — I was six in 1974. (My generation really never knew about Vietnam. We were too young to remember it, but when I was in high school the war had just ended ten years previously, so it wasn’t in the history books yet…)

Once I was in college and took a few history courses, though, it started to coalesce in my mind.

The United States lost 405,399 men and women in WWII. That’s a big number. My hometown has 8,000 people. In order to understand how many lives were lost in WWII I had to envision everyone in my hometown dying, then multiplying that by 50. It’s a number that I found hard to comprehend. Then I learned that there were over 670,000 wounded in WWII. That’s over a million people, dead or wounded in a four-year period. That’s an impact on society!

There were 13,277,307 Americans serving in the military during WWII. Again, that’s over 13 million people in uniform over a four-year period. The men and women who served (including my grandfather and an uncle) came from all walks of life, but united for a common purpose.

When the war was over, they simply came home and went back to work.

The Korean War… There were 36,516 men and women lost in the “forgotten war,” and 92,134 wounded. We cannot forget. We simply cannot forget the 4,759 who are missing in action in Korea.

Vietnam. 58,209 names inscribed on a wall in Washington D.C., 153,303 wounded. 2,489 MIA. Those who came home did not get welcomed; society mistook the soldier for the policy maker. A soldier’s duty is to do what’s asked of them, and those who served in Vietnam did.

266 men killed in Beirut. Forty in Panama. 300 in the Gulf War. 756+ in Afghanistan. 5,371+ in Iraq.

We’ve lost nearly 5,500 men and women in Iraq, but possibly the number to ponder is 46,132 wounded so far.

Each of these wars, and the deployments in between (31 lost in the Berlin Blockade, 43 in Somalia, 20 in Kosovo) were fought overseas, by men and women who, whether drafted or volunteer, raised their right hand and took an oath…

I, (name), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

No one who says that oath knows what will come in the months and years to follow, but everyone who takes the oath knows what MIGHT come to pass, and they take the oath nonetheless, most often with a mixture of fear and pride.

To those who have said those words — THANK YOU. Even in peacetime, a soldier endures years of training, routine, time apart from family… In times of war, well, I can’t imagine.
Thank you.
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

Pic o’ the Day, Day 7-9

Here are three pics… One for today, and two for the weekend just past.

This was in the chapel at the Mayo Clinic .

Zoey at the Fair. (She got to go on a hayride pulled by horses!)

Mat D. This shot isn’t photoshopped or altered at all.
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