all the way to the fence? That’s pretty much ALL my yard.
I have no back yard or side yard. We’ll get to the front yard shortly.

They left Friday for the holiday with a solemn promise
to be back first thing Tuesday morning.
What a mess. I’m really not mad at the plumbers for leaving a mess, or for leaving the mess over a three-day weekend, thus forcing us to move out of our home for the duration, honest. I’m mad at the city for forcing us to do this RIGHT NOW under threat of losing our home. Oh well. Such is life. I’m going to put a proposal to the City Council that they start a fund to provide low or no interest loans to other people who find themselves in this situation. Things would have been a LOT less scary for us had they said, “Yeah, this is gonna cost you four or five grand, but we can loan it to you fairly cheap.” The stress we had was finding the finds.
Oh, if you’re new here and don’t know the story, just read the post below.