Up and Down Daze

It makes me sad.

The only thing worse than burning a vacation day in the middle of winter because you were ill is dipping into your vacation fund to pay for everyday activities.

But at least I have a vacation fund. Eighty bucks. Thankfully we like to camp…

Sioux City has rezoned part of the major road (Hamilton Boulevard) that runs within a block of our house. It seems like only hours passed between the city council (or whomever) signing off on the rezoning measure before houses were torn down. You can click on the photo to see a larger version. There are six or eight more houses scheduled for demolition.

It makes me happy.

We’re on a diet. Well… she’s on a diet, I just eat more lettuce than usual. Actually we’ve both been eating pretty healthy food lately, and I’m kinda liking it. If I’m losing any weight though, it’s very slow. Dagmar’s doing wonderfully, however! I’m proud of her!

It makes me nervous.

I’m not quitting my day job or anything, but I’ve decided to start freelancing a bit. You can learn more HERE. So if you know of anyone that needs anything designed or written or photographed, lemme know…

It makes me tired.

Here are some photos of work. Seems like it’s all I do in the winter; sit at home waiting to go to work so I can wait to go home again. I miss my motorcycle.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”

Two Posts in One Day

Pfffft… And HE’S the boss?

So here I sit at work, counting my woes, staring gloomily at my computer screen, rotting away in general, when in walks a police officer, complete with uniform, badge and unamused scowl. He scowled at me, grimaced at my buddy Drew, and disappeared into the boss’ office.

Drew looked over at me, shrugged, and went back to work. I continued with my morose tapping at the keyboard, running through the last few weeks in my head, just to make sure I hadn’t done anything to feel guilty about. Nah… I lead a pretty good life. No reason to run from the police. (Isn’t that a sign of aging?)

After ten minutes or so, Mr. Officer comes back out, growls at Drew, snarls at me, and heads up the stairs to the “real world.” The boss comes out of his office.

“I can’t believe I have to pay for that!” he said. Drew and I both blinked ignorantly at him. “Huh?” asked Drew. “What?” sez I.

“Oh, you haven’t heard?” The boss settles in to tell the tale. “Someone stole the truck.”

“You mean the beater that used to be parked beside the building?” I asked.

“Yeah, that one. My truck. I left it here in case anyone needed to use it. And my neighbors didn’t want it parked in front of my house any more. Anyway, someone stole it three weeks ago, and I just noticed this morning.”

“The truck’s been gone THREE WEEKS and you just now notice?” I ask. “How can you not notice?”

“Well, I thought one of the delivery guys had it or something,” he continued, “I just didn’t notice that it was gone. Anyway, so I call the cops, and they tell me someone ran it into a tree January 21st and just left the truck there, so the city towed it.” Drew and I nodded. The boss continued. “Damned truck is only worth a hundred bucks, but they gave ME a bill for two-hundred and seventy dollars. I gotta pay for the tow truck myself!”

At this point I quit stifling my giggles and started laughing outright.

“It’s not funny,” said the boss. “They want to charge me seven bucks a day storage, too!” He shook his head and wandered off. “I guess this is what we get for having the print shop in the ‘hood,” he mumbled on his way up the stairs.

I live just a few blocks away… I’ve sat in my car and watched a teenage gang-banger wannabe steal the doorknocker right off my door. Stole my doorknocker! My wife, bless her heart, ran the kid down and got it back. I would have chased the kid myself, but I was too busy trying to get the drunk out of our yard. I’ve watched drunk thugs in the street carefully aim a roman candle and shoot it into my garage, neatly banking it off the back window of my wife’s car. (I came unglued that time – my motorcycle was in the garage at the time.) I’ve had a police officer tell me with a straight face that they don’t come into my part of town after dark without a partner in the car.

Yes, Sioux City has a ‘hood. I think it’s kinda funny that my rich boss just now noticed… The rest of us have to live with that kind of stuff daily. The sad part is that it ain’t cheap to live in the ‘hood – if it’s not stolen or spray-painted, it’s egged or scratched.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”

Monday in Paradise


Well, so much for the NFC pulling a rabbit out of it’s… hat. I stole a photo off the Internet that pretty much explains how the Chicago Bears lost to the Indianapolis Colts in the Super Bowl yesterday. That would be a picture of Bears quarterback Rex Grossman fumbling the ball. Ah well…

It was a good game, all told. They always hold the Super Bowl in domes or somewhere in the tropics so the rich and famous people who actually GO to the Super Bowl won’t be bothered by the weather. Personally, I’ve always thought the Super Bowl should be held in a neutral location, preferably in an outdoor stadium somewhere in Alaska. (It’s always more fun to watch football when they’re trudging through mud and snow and ice. That’s the only time I ever get to see 22 millionaires suffering at the same time, and I sort of enjoy that… And I think the NFL should realize that approximately 1.3 trillion football fans want to see the game played outdoors as they’re watching it on TV anyway, as opposed to the 50,000 people who can actually attend the game and want to sit in a warm sunny spot.) So I really enjoyed the fact that it was raining cats and dogs in southern Florida during the game, making the field muddy and the ball slippery…

The game was enjoyable for me this year as both coaches are classy people. I hope this is a trend! Both Lovie Smith and his friend and former mentor Tony Dungy are known for keeping their cool, teaching players rather than berating them, and leading by example rather than by the whip. Quality will rise to the top, and it was enjoyable to see these two in the biggest game of the year.

The first three quarters were great! Lots of turnovers, much excitement… But then Grossman started falling apart – more aparter than usual, actually (he’s never been accused of being a “together” kind of quarterback). I was hoping for the underdog Bears to win, but alas and alackaday, it wasn’t to be. The Colts emerged victorious, and that’s fine with me.


There’s not much going on at work lately, so I’ve been sitting at my desk for the past few weeks trying vainly to look busy so no one will hand me a broom or (worse) send me home without pay… This is hard to do ’cause the owners offices are right next to mine. Both bosses lurk past me every three or four minutes. They lurk a lot. They lurk in corners, they lurk in the pressroom, they lurk over my shoulder… So I keep a “fake” postcard design as a panic button; when the bosses walk by I pull that screen up and pretend to be working on it. In the times they’re not lurking at me, I’m perusing the Internet or (as today) blogging.

This is all fine and dandy, but it makes it hard to concentrate on writing anything meaningful or even passably funny – I can get about a third of a sentence done at a time. (Now you know why my posts have been so boring lately.)

So for the past week or two, I’ve sat here for eight hours a day, trying to get my 40 hours in ’cause who can afford a short check, staring at a computer, flicking manically from web site to web site, looking over my shoulder, trying to keep a consistent line of thought going, looking over my shoulder, pretending to work… It’s driving me barking mad! I’d much rather be busy. (And trust me, I’ve filed everything I can think of to file, I’ve cleaned my desk three times… I’ve fiddled. I’m beyond fiddling.)

I wish I could be spending this time productively – I’ve completely dropped my dream of learning Esperanto this winter, I could be writing a nice book or something, I have lots of photos to sort through at home…

Oh well.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”

Eating From Afar

Liveblogging, Sort of…

It’s now 5:37 in the morning. I just woke up, exactly seven minutes ago – half an hour late. Wing Bowl 15 started half an hour ago… 20,000 people have bought tickets to go to Wachovia Stadium in Philadelphia for a three-hour long spectacle, all based around watching a bunch of people eat chicken wings for half an hour in hopes of winning a car.

I’m tuned in to one of the Philadelphia radio stations, WIP610. They’re already introducing the contestants (they just introduced The Blind Beast, a blind contestant). I’m hoping they haven’t already introduced my blog-buddy Steakbellie, part of the Philly contingent (see photo). The theme this year is “Philly vs. the World.” They’re putting Philadelphia’s best competitive eaters against five professional eaters chosen by the IFOCE – International Federation of Competitive Eaters. Steakbellie’s ranked 38th in the world, and is given 7 to 1 odds to win this thing.Oddly enough, they start this thing at midnight for some reason. Steakbellie has rented a school bus for his friends; they’re all gonna pile into the bus, drink a bunch of beer, then head to the Wachovia Center to watch the Wingettes, drink more beer, and watch people eat.

Ooh, they’re introducing Wing Kong now – another Philly guy, I guess. His entourage made a fake boxing ring – they’re carrying it around the arena, throwing beads at the crowd. The announcers are having a ball with this – I guess they keep falling over with the boxing ring…

STEAKBELLIE’S COMING INTO THE STADIUM! I’m so excited! “This is our first really big challenger,” said the announcer. “He’s not a fat guy, but he’s an eater!” The lady’s saying, “He has a man dressed up as cupid, men in kilts, there are bagpipers playing, a ten-foot-high can of beer labelled ‘Whoop Ass’…” The male announcer – “He has a man skipping in front of him dressed as cupid, that ain’t gonna help.” I think they just interviewed the cupid; wish they’d talk to Steakbellie instead. Gah, I wish I could see it! (Maybe radio is better. Hard to tell.)

Well, they’re introducing someone else now. Steakbellie had a huge beer can for his float, this next guy has a big float with a giant toilet, with the guy sitting on it reading a newspaper. I hope he has his pants on. It’s 5:54 a.m.

I’ve been all wrapped up in this for weeks now. I’ve read Steakbellie’s blog for quite some time, and his enthusiasm for this event is so infectious… Well, you just gotta go read his blog. He’s also got a web site where you can see the short film he and his friend shot, as well as a video of the “stunt” he did to qualify for Wing Bowl. (Each Philly contestant had to do a “stunt,” live on the radio. Steakbellie ate a huge hoagie, bag of chips and a cup of lemonade in three and a half minutes.) Here’s a photo of Mr. Bellie.

Commercial’s over – they’re back to the introductions. This guy, The Indian Butcher, ate like a pound of cow tongues for his stunt. The announcers are making a big deal out of his entourage throwing beads at women in the crowd, and how much cow tongues stink.

Next contestant: 290 pounder, The Irish Soul Assassin, odds something like 250 to 1. I guess he’s the Philadelphia Eagles’ line coach. The announcers are dissing him.

It’s now 6:09 a.m. They’re doing a tribute to one of the Wing Bowl commissioners, El Wingador.

As much fun as this is, I’ve gotta go take a shower… This seems to be a good time; they’re gonna be doing introductions for quite a while, it seems. This sounds like so much fun – I wish I were there. Oh well… I’ll be back shortly, happily scrubbed clean and ready to face the day. I think I’ll make myself a plate of wings for breakfast.

6:45 a.m. – I’m back, happily bathed. Sounds like they’re still introducing people… Pennsylvania eater Humble Bob just came into the stadium, with a float of fellow competitor Joey Chestnut on a spit, turning over a fake fire…

Two pounds of meatballs and two pounds of sausage in 12 minutes was 25 to 1 Hank the Tank’s qualifying stunt. He’s being introduced now.

I love the names! Steakbellie always wears a kilt when he performs in honor of his Scottish heritage. (I think I saw another photo of Steakbellie somewhere… Lemme see if I can find it here… Ah, there it is.)

Oh boy, they’re introducing IFOCE’s pro eaters now… #4 ranked 105 pound Sonia the Black Widow, #5 ranked Rich LaFevre, ChipBurger Simpson, #3 ranked eater in the world Patrick Bertoletti, reigning champ and wing eating record holder Joey Chestnut…

It’s 6:53 now. They say all 25 competitors are all lined up and ready to go… So of course there’s a commercial.

Oh drat. I lost my connection. After getting up so early, I hope I don’t miss the main event! Oh wait, it’s back.

7:01 a.m. – they just finished the National Anthem. I woke Dagmar up. She’s gotta hear this… The officials are in place, the eaters are in place… Now they’re talking about whether the contestants can wear headphones or not…

The first round started! Wheee! I can picture all these guys lined up, shoving chicken wings in their gaping maws… The all-time record is 173 wings in half an hour. The crowd just boo’d – they showed Bertoletti and the Black Widow on the big screen. The Locust just got an ovation… The announcers are wondering if Bertoletti and the Black Widow can keep up their pace for half an hour. “Has Bertoletti ever done a thirty-minute competition?”

Damaging Doug and Joey Chestnut just finished their first plate! It’s about two minutes into the competition… Heavy Kevy was just mentioned.

Doctor Slob is on his second plate, as is Obi Wing… Gentleman Jerry “is cleaning his wings beautifully, but he’s going slowly.” They have to eat the wings “clean” or they don’t count. “The Indian Butcher is just a disgrace,” they say, leaving too much gunk on his wings.

7:09 a.m. – They’re talking about the Locust being a “distance eater.” “He’s 63 years old?” asked the announcer. Beast of the Northeast is on his third plate. Commercial. Oh, the tension! I wonder how Steakbellie’s holding up… I haven’t heard his name mentioned yet – he must be eating in the second round. I bet he’s nervous!

They’re back… Halfway through the first round, almost. The Black Widow is leading the group now, with Joey Chestnut in second. Bertoletti is falling behind… They’re predicting Sonia Black Widow will make it to 200 wings. They just gave the two minute warning to the halfway point in the first round. I WISH I COULD SEE THIS!

Oh, I think I understand now – after the first half of the round, the top ten eaters go on to the second half! So the eaters eat for fifteen minutes, then stop. OH! Obi Wing had a “reversal of fortune” – the wings are coming back up… Ach! I guess he kept it down… Gulp.

Halftime. I’m gonna go get some wings. Five little chicky wings for breakfast in honor of the hundreds, nay, thousands of wings eaten at the competition.

The commercial is over. They’re still at halftime… The halftime tabulations:

#10: 73 wings, Dr. Winglove
#9: 75 wings, Joey Chestnut
#8: 77 wings, Curly von Burley
#7: 78 wings, Bulldog
#6: 81 wings, Damaging Doug
#5: 83 wings, Patrick Bertoletti
#4: 84 wings, The Black Widow
#3: 89 wings, U.S. Male
#2: 91 wings, The Beast from the Northeast
#1: 112 wings, Gentleman Jerry

No Steakbellie… I actually teared up. Shucks. Well, I guess I’ll listen to the second half anyway…

They’re talking about how the commissioner disallowed 20 of the Black Widow’s wings, saying she didn’t finish them enough to count. I guess she’s been complaining pretty bad about it. They’re saying that jaw strength is an issue now. “You gotta eat a lot of Tootsie-Rolls to be competitive.”

I’ve lost my enthusiasm… Bertoletti is coming up from behind. Sounds like the amateurs are falling behind now. There’s still five minutes to go. The IFOCE guy is yelling at the pro eaters, telling them to pick up the pace. The Beast of the Northeast is having troubles… I guess he’s a bit green. Dr. Winglove cramped up – he’s on the ground. U.S. Male is still going, as is Gentleman Jerry. Philly vs. the World. One minute to go… Bertoletti is going… Dr. Winglove is “about to blow.” Five seconds… Done! They may disqualify Dr. Winglove for a “reversal of fortune.” If anything comes back up, the contestant is out. Yep, they eliminated him…

Now they’re gonna have a commercial and tabulate the results. They’re talking about a “two minute sprint,” sounds like the top few eaters still have two minutes to go!

My five little breakfast wings are kicking my ulcer in the side.

Okay, the top five eaters get to go on to the “two minute sprint.” Here they are:

#5: 130 wings, U.S. Male
#4: 156 wings, The Black Widow
#3: 157 wings, Patrick Bertoletti
#2: 158 wings, Gentleman Jerry
#1: 166 wings, Joey Chestnut

Wow – Joey Chestnut was 37 wings behind Gentleman Jerry – he made up 45 wings in one round! I don’t think I could eat 45 wings in one day…

The two-minute sprint has started. I’m feeling kinda ill myself after hearing this all morning… This is like seeing a car accident – I don’t want to look, but I can’t help myself.

8:08 a.m. Fifteen seconds to go. 172 is the previous record (held by Joey Chestnut). Wing Bowl 15 is over, and I’m late for work. Another commercial, then the final results. Sounds like Joey Chestnut is gonna win… To be honest, I was kinda pulling for Gentleman Jerry there at the end (no disrespect, Steakbellie).

Okey, the results… (I can’t believe I listened to this all morning.)

#5: 138 wings, U.S. male
#4: 167 wings, Gentleman Jerry (won a car! best Philly eater)
#3: 169 wings, The Black Widow
#2: 170 wings, Patrick Bertoletti
#1: 182 wings (new record), pro Joey Chestnut

The crowd isn’t happy. The pros won… I have to go to work now!

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”


It all started last Thursday…

“Gaaack!” I hollered. “Drat!”

“Meow?” came from the other side of the door, followed by the muffled sound of a pair of kitty paws trying to pull the door open. I’m not sure what my little buddy, Fruitloop, would have done to help, he not having opposible thumbs and all. Not that I was in a life-threatening situation, mind you, I was just irritated.

Me in the shower, my glasses in the sink, I’d grabbed the conditioner instead of the shampoo. “Gaaaaah!” I hissed through clenched teeth.

It was Thursday. I could tell without even looking. Thursday mornings are difficult for me. You see, the weekly jam at the Chesterfield is Wednesday night. That means I’m often facing Thursday mornings through a mere five hours of sleep and a slight headache. A person gets to an age eventually where five hours of sleep and a slight headache really sucks.

I rinsed the errant conditioner out of my hair, quietly mumbling near-obscenities though my teeth, and eventually finished my morning carcass-scrubbing routine and managed to dress myself with a minimum of fuss. “The time is now 8:57,” said the nice man on the radio. “Drat,” I said to Fruitloop, scratching him on the chin. “I’m already an hour late…” Thankfully my bosses are tolerant – they know I’m out late Wednesdays playing bass and taking photos and sipping on the occasional beer – but I still like to get to work by eight if I can. I threw my boots on, grabbed my coat and WHOOM out the door goes the hippie.

Keys in hand I open the car door. Cold! I started the car, groped around in the back seat for the ice scraper, and then back out into the cold to scrape, scrape, scrape the windows. I glance at my phone – 8:58. I might yet make it to work by nine (it’s a small town). I turn back to the car and grab the handle to open the door and WHAT THE HECK?

I found myself staring bemusedly at the car door handle in my hand. Yes, it broke off. Hmmm…

“Okay,” I thought to myself, “you’ll just have to crawl over the back seat or something.” No problem. Except that all three other doors were locked. With the keys in the ignition. Engine running.

Well, poop. “Okay,” I thought to myself, “you’ll just have to call your wife and have her come and unlock the passenger door.” No sooner said than done. “Beep beep boop beep,” went the phone, my frozen fingers dancing across the numbers. “Ring, ring, ring.” No answer. Drat. She must be in a meeting. Now what?

I called work. “Hi,” I said. “This is Chris. I’ve broken the handle off my car door. All the other doors are locked. I’ll probably be a bit later than anticipated this morning.”

“You’re only a few blocks away,” the lady at work said. “Why don’t you just walk to work and figure this out later?”

“Well,” I replied, shivering a bit, “because the car’s running. I can’t very well leave my car idling in the middle of the street all day…”

“Oh,” she said. “You’re probably right.”

As I pushed the “hang up” button on my cell phone I realized I still had my ice scraper in my other hand. I looked at the car door. You know, it’s not ALL the way shut… Not quite knowing what else to do, I started beating my car with a stick, poking at the door, pounding on the roof… Sure enough, the door popped open! Wheee! The joys of driving a rustbucket! (The car’s got just under 200,000 miles on this engine – no one quite knows how many miles the poor body’s been through.)

I jumped in the now-warm car and off to work I went!

By 9:11 a.m. I was in the office, turning on various computers, printers, scanners, and platemakers, wondering why the other guy hadn’t turned ’em all on yet. “Car problems again?” asked my boss as I waited for all the equipment to come on-line. Before I could answer he continued, “The other guy’s sick. He’s not coming in today. The network is down. The lady in New Jersey FTP’d that post card to us – we need to get it off the server and plated right away.”

“How do I get it off the server if our network is down?” I asked.

“I don’t care,” the boss replied. “Just get it done.”

“I’m gonna have to call the IT guy in,” I said. “I don’t know how to fix the network…” The boss promptly told me that there was no way in blazes he was gonna call in some IT guy and pay him two-hundred bucks just to push a button.

So, there I stood, in the back room, staring at a mound of cables and cords, wondering just where the network actually lived… I grabbed an anonymous-looking box at random and unplugged it. I stood there, wondering how long I should wait before plugging it back in, when the thought struck me, “Why not just unplug EVERYTHING for a few minutes? That should re-boot whatever it is that needs re-booted.”

Well, that didn’t work, but it sure got everyone’s attention.

I tossed the problem back to the boss. He unplugged the router. He unplugged the modem. He turned off that beige box no one can identify. No luck. He swore. He even told someone else to try it. Nothing. We stood there, wiggling cords.

Three hours later the IT guy showed up… He pushed a button and everything sprang back to life, e-mail mailed, browsers browsed, life was good again.

But… this left me a mere three and a half hours to get my eight hours of work done as well as my absent cohort’s eight hours of work (he called in sick, remember). But somehow I managed, headache and all. By five-thirty I was home. By six-thirty I was in bed.

That was last Thursday. Today is Wednesday. I have to admit, I’m dreading tomorrow.

The Politics of Hate

You know, I really don’t want to hate anyone. It’s not my style. I’m not much good at it. But I want to be patriotic; I love America, so they tell me I have to hate people.

If I don’t hate Muslims I’m unpatriotic.

If I don’t hate the Mexicans I’m anti-American.

If I don’t hate homosexuals I must not care about family values.

I would like to stand up at this point and say, loudly, “BULLPUCKY!” I don’t have to hate Muslims to support the fight against terrorism. I don’t have to hate Mexicans to understand immigration problems. Homosexuals do not threaten me, my family, or my way of life. I don’t have to hate them, either. I am NOT going to start hating my neighbors for being different. I’m just not going to do it.

Hate slithers under our door in unexpected guises, and is hard to recognize at times. Before you hit “Forward” on that joke someone e-mailed you, take another look at it. Is there an undercurrent of hate there? I’d be willing to bet there is, especially if the joke is at all political.

Let me posit this… Jesus taught tolerance and forgiveness. Our nation was founded on the belief that ALL of us are equal. By claiming moral superiority over another human being, don’t we go against Christianity AND America? Don’t we lose a little bit of our soul every time we denigrate another person, race, heritage?

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not soft in the head. I know there are terrorists out there who want to kill us. But I also know there are a LOT of people out there who don’t, and don’t deserve our hatred.

I’ve heard a lot of self-righteous chest-thumping about how John Wayne wouldn’t stand for being told to “press 1 for English,” and there’s some validity there — but racism and hatred isn’t the answer. (Where did YOUR grandparents come from? Chances are they came to America in a wave of immigrants, and chances are they were hated and feared by those who had arrived here fifty years earlier. Did you know that the national language is English due to one single vote? Our founding fathers nearly decided to go with German…) Should immigrants learn English? Yes. Should we be compassionate while they learn? Yes. America is growing and changing — that’s a fact that makes a lot of us, myself included, a little uncomfortable. But we need to pull immigrants into our society, not push them away with hate and spite.

I’m not saying we should all gather in a circle and sing “Kum Ba Yah” at each other, but I am saying that I’m not going to hate people simply because it’s politically expedient, or to go along with the crowd. It’s my way of being American. Please don’t hate me for it.

Thank you for your attention.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”


Apologies for not posting lately. I’ve had plenty to write about, just no time… I’ll be back soon, I promise.

I’ve been working on a few web sites:
Siouxland Sleep Out
Northwest Iowa American Legion Riders
Chesterfield Jam
and of course my poor neglected Radloffs.net site

Check ’em out if you want… I’m gonna go take a nap.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”

Future Tense, Past Perfect

Why am I doing this?

I found a couple cardboard boxes of old photos a few weeks ago (mostly of me – not ’cause I’m egotistical or anything, but my mother gave all my baby pictures to my wife a while back). Since then I’ve been pecking away at scanning them all into the computer to join the 15,000+ digital photos I’ve taken. I kinda figger it’d be nice to have them all in one place…

Here’s a nice picture of me and my mother. I’m the younger one.

I’ve been enjoying the photos and memories, seeing my brother and sister when they were little. And it’s fun to see my parents when they were young and wonder what they were like before they had kids.

But today I had a bad thought. I hate those. But they happen occasionally. “Why am I doing this?” I thought to myself. “I don’t have kids. In 30 years, who’s going to care that I carefully saved all of my baby photos?” The thought depressed me so much I skipped my daily Esperanto lesson. Will anyone look back at my photos and think, “Hmmm… Great uncle Chris looked silly with short hair,” or will my archives slowly molder away, gradually becoming as obsolete as all those college papers I saved on a 5.25″ floppy?

I’m going to keep scanning, though. There must be a purpose to this.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”

A January Wednesday

Mia nomo estas Chris.

I’ve been toying around with the idea of learning Esperanto for years. There’s something about a language with no nationality that appeals to me…

Esperanto is a “made-up” language, built by a Dr. Zamenhoff over a hundred years ago. It seems to be a very logical language, and they claim it’s easier to learn than any other language. (As an example, if you put a “J” at the end of a word [pronounced like a “Y”] it turns that word plural. Logical! If there’s an “ino” at the end of a word, it’s feminine. Simple!)

La granda virinoj estas varmaj.
The large women are warm.

So, after reading the introduction and part of the first lesson in a “Learn to Speak Esperanto” book, I’m ready to tackle the world… Or at least I’m ready to tackle simple grammar. It’s hard, however, to learn a new language in a vacuum, especially when I can only spend fifteen minutes at a shot at the task. I’m hoping that by the time I chew my way through the book I’ll be able to find a few people on-line to chat with every now and then. I’m not sure I’ll find any real live Esperantists here in Sioux City…

Mi kato estas granda.
My cat is large.

Can you imagine how much money the European Union would save in a year if the diplomats all took six weeks to learn Esperanto rather than insisting that each of the 27 nations’ delegates be allowed to speak their own language when in session? The way it stands now, the French delegation to the EU needs a translator for each and every other language in Europe – someone to translate Polish into French, English into French, German into French, Italian into French, etc. Same with all the other delegations. Imagine how much easier it would be for everyone involved if they all learned the same language. Esperanto is perfect for that, as it’s not tied to any particular nationality…

Vi odoras kiel krokodilo.
You smell like a crocodile.

But, for the moment, I’m getting tired of playing around with the six words I know, and I’m impatient to learn all the rest of them pesky words. I hate being a neophyte. I want to be proficient. Now.

Plian bieron, mi petas.
Another beer, please.

Speaking of beer…

Tonight’s the weekly jam session at the Chesterfield. I do think I’m gonna take my own bass this time… I’m supposed to be the “club photographer” (click HERE to see the photos) but I always end up playing anyway (which is fun!), so I might as well take my own bass so I can be comfortable whilst trying to remember that pesky chorus to that odd AC/DC song I played once twelve years ago… The “Club Bass” they have available for everyone to use is a fine bass guitar indeed, but it always feels like I’m trying on someone else’s shoes or something when I play it.

I encourage everyone in and around Sioux City to pop in to the jam session every once in a while. It really is pretty fun! And they sell beer there, too, which is always a bonus! The jam happens most every Wednesday…

Inundation Galore!

“Are you okay?” hollered my little Austrian Chickadee from the other room. “Are you choking on something?”

“No,” I answered. “I’m okay. Just checking my e-mail.” I stared at the screen, agog.

“Vhat’s mit der funny noise you just made?” asked my wife as she put a freshly washed plate in the cupboard.

I got up from the computer and wandered towards the kitchen. “I didn’t mean to make a funny noise. I was just surprised is all. Something’s wrong with our e-mail.”

“Ve hardly ever get any real e-mail,” my Snookums replied. “Just junk mail.”

“That’s the problem. I have over one-thousand three hundred junk mails in my in-box, just from this afternoon.” (That number still astonishes me. 1,300. Wow.) I paused for a second. “And none of them are even addressed to me. They’re all ‘Message Undeliverable’ junk messages, sent by someone else, with my e-mail as the return address.”

“Thirteen hundred messages? Wow! We need to do something about that,” said my wife. She kissed me on the nose, then turned her attention back to the dishes.

Back at the computer I started doing a little poking around. I went to my cPanel and changed my catch-all address to “black hole” messages that aren’t addressed specifically to Dagmar or myself (it used to be that if anyone send an e-mail with our domain name in the address it would come to my in-box, no matter what the specific address was). Then I checked the on-line spam catcher. There were another 5,800 bogus e-mails waiting for me there. Over seven thousand spams in one day.

A day or two later it looks like my changes at the cPanel worked, at least for one of my e-mail accounts. Between Dagmar and myself, though, we’re still getting over 200 junk mails a day. It makes it VERY difficult to sort through all of it to find the two or three “real” messages we get. I’m afraid we’ve probably missed a few good e-mails in the past few weeks and deleted ’em along with the bad…

So, if I can’t find a way to get rid of those last 200 spam messages we get every day, I may resort to whitelisting two of our e-mail addresses. (That means that if you send us a message, you’ll get an e-mail back right away asking you if you’re a real live human. You have to answer once, then you can e-mail us hassle-free from then on.) I hope that no one will be offended if we go to that system – we’re not trying to limit our e-mails from real live people by any means! We’re just getting tired of going through so much junk mail all the time…

Oh, man… Another case of the “Gottahaveits.”

Apple just announced that they’re releasing a new cell phone next June. Normally, the announcement that someone’s making a new cell phone wouldn’t get my attention, but when Apple does anything, it’s exciting. No exception with the iPhone…

The thing’s just plain cool… You can poke around and see all the neat features it has on Apple’s website (which is worth doing). It’s a cell phone, iPod MP3 player, and Blackberry all rolled into one, with no buttons. It has the coolest touch-screen I’ve ever seen… Just looking at pictures of it makes me happy. Go buy stock in Apple. This is gonna be a big seller.

The problem? The battery only lasts six hours between recharges, and the blessed thing’s expected to cost $600. Six-hundred dollars is a lot of money for something I’m gonna carry around in my pocket. I’d be afraid to use it…

But I want one anyway. (I’ll get over it, I know. The first thing is to pay my myriad debts. THEN I’ll get the toys.)


One small bit of the world just got a bit more sane. About a zillion years ago when I was in National Guard the federal government proclaimed that There Shall Be No Smoking on Government Property. Except, of course, for Congress. They could still smoke… Until today. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi just banned smoking in the Speaker’s Lobby.

‘Bout time.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at www.radloffs.net, click on “Blog.”