My thoughts and opinions on the local news this morning:
This one really bothers me. A 13-year-old girl was tasered by an off-duty policeman here in Sioux City a day or two ago.
It seems that the policeman was working as a security guard at the roller-skating rink when a fight between two 14-year-old girls broke out. When the man tried to break up the fight, one of the girls wouldn’t listen and kept fighting, prompting her 13-year-old sister to jump in and start fighting as well. After being kicked and bitten, the policeman pulled out his taser and used a “short burst” on the younger girl, thus subduing her and stopping the fight.
The two sisters who resisted were taken to jail (or juvenile detention, I guess), and were apparently released to their mother shortly thereafter.
The mother is raising a fuss about this whole thing. “My daughters are going to carry this brutality around with them for quite some time,” she said on TV. “Why that man had to use such force on an 85-pound girl is beyond me.” She’s appealed the matter to the City Council, who’s reviewing and investigating the incident.
Police Chief Joe Frisbee issued a short statement on TV that went something like, “There were three combatants. One of them obeyed the officer, stopped fighting, and answered his questions truthfully. She did not go to jail. The other two continued fighting. They went to jail.” In a later interview at the City Council, the Chief said the officer was licensed to carry and use a taser, and “utilized it minimally” in the altercation.
To me it seems pretty simple. Take responsibility for your actions. This is a prime time to teach a lesson to these young ladies — if you disrespect authority, use violence instead of diplomacy, and ignore lawful commands, you will be punished. There is nothing personal about this.
If, at the age of 13, I had gotten into a fight, I doubt my parents would have even bothered to find out what caused the fight or who was right or wrong — they simply would have drug me home by my ear and taught me not to fight.
Is it right for police to taser 13-year-old girls? Hmmm… Ask it another way. Is it right for 13-year-old girls to attack police officers and get away with it? What made this girl think she could beat up a policeman and receive no repercussion? Could it be that she’s never been disciplined, or taught to respect elders in general? Or rather has she been taught that she can do whatever she wants, as long as she plays the role of wounded victim afterwards? That seems to be the lesson she’s learning now…
You can learn more about the incident HERE.
This one’s a little more clear-cut. “Yes, I shot my husband, but I don’t remember doing it, therefore I shouldn’t go to jail.”
Well, do you know that killing people is against the law? Did you kill someone? Yes? Okay, what’s the question?
Take responsibility.
This story positively sucks. There’s nothing good at all about this. I didn’t see it on the news, but my beloved Austrian snowflake Dagmar told me about it.
A 14-year-old boy was standing on 14th and Douglas waiting for the school bus when two men approached him and asked him for a cigarette. The boy told them he didn’t smoke. The men then beat the boy so severely he’s in the hospital now — I don’t know what his condition is, but it sounds kinda bad.
The city responded by saying they’d “move the bus stop to a safer location.” Well, that’s a good start. But how about making the first location safer while you’re at it? Simply saying, “well, since that neighborhood’s so bad and violent, we’ll move the bus stop to a different location” means that the thugs won! They just took over the neighborhood.
I hope they catch the two buttheads who beat the boy, and I certainly hope and pray the boy recovers. And I hope the city wakes up to the fact that ignoring violence and gang activity is not the answer.