Computer Update (or "The Continuation of My Infinite Woes")

Well, they gave me a loaner, finally. It’s got a quarter the RAM my machine had so it’s really slow, and half my Adobe software won’t even attempt to install on this old iMac (it’s a PowerPC rather than Pentium), so I’m working with one hand tied behind my back, but I AM working. Yesterday I was at the computer shop at 8:02 a.m. to pick the loaner up (it was supposed to be ready for me Friday night, then Saturday morning, then Saturday afternoon, then “I’ll have a guy drop it off at your house Sunday,” then Monday morning) only to find that the tech wasn’t in yet. “He’s not supposed to come in until noon, but he said he’d be here at nine today.” So I go walk the dog and come back at nine. The tech said, “It’ll be just seven minutes!” I waited from 9 to 9:30. He came up and told me, “Just ten more minutes!” I waited until 10:30 before he came up to me and said, “I just started to restore the information from your backup now, it’ll take at least a few hours.”

“Whaaa?” What have they been doing? Why did he tell me it would be “seven minutes” if he KNEW he hadn’t even started the restoration yet?

He’s done this to me time after time — last week he promised he’d have my computer fixed Thursday night, then he said I could pick it up Friday. Friday he told me it would be “just a few hours.” On Saturday he called me to tell me he was “Starting to run some tests.” Man, I can understand that this stuff takes time, but you HAVE to know that you’re not going to have a new hard drive formatted, restored, and installed in “a couple hours” if you haven’t even started yet…

I didn’t get the loaner until after 7 last night. “I had to cancel your backup, so you might not have everything on your hard drive that you need.” Fine, fine, just give me my backup drive then — I’ll go through my data folder by folder and find what’s missing. Turns out he hadn’t gotten around to restoring anything but my apps and photos — all my data and working files were missing, the apps didn’t work because some of the system files weren’t there (Adobe’s “common” files, notably)… So I had to reinstall all my applications. That led to licensing problems with Adobe, so now I’m on the phone with them…

But I AM up and running! Slowly and staggeringly, but I’m running.

I actually like the guys at the shop, believe it or not, and I’m sure the tech has been working on my problem. It’s the false promises that anger me. If, on Thursday, he’d have said, “I’ll do my best, but it might be next Tuesday before I can get you up and running,” well, I’d have been disappointed. But I would have been able to give MY customers a solid answer when they called asking about their projects, and I could have gone and done something else rather than sitting by the phone for five days.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

Led by the nose…

…like a lamb to the slaughter.

I know I’m mixing metaphores, but I don’t really care… 
My worst fears are coming to fruition. The computer people have had my machine for four days now. I just got a call — “We put a third hard drive into your computer, and it went bad before we could even format it. There’s something ELSE wrong that’s causing the hard drives to fail.” 
The guy continued to tell me it could be the power supply, the cord that runs from the power supply to the mother board, or the mother board itself. This is all correct — these are things that have run through my mind as well. 
“So how much money are we talking about?” I asked. 
“Well, the cord isn’t much,” he answered, ” and the power supply isn’t a big deal either.” 
“But if it’s the motherboard you’d be better off buying a new computer.” 
I knew that this was gonna cost me money. I knew it. I could have written the script myself, actually. But for gosh sakes I hope it’s not the motherboard… I mean, if it’s $20 for a cord or $50 for a power supply, I can borrow that much. If it’s $2500, I’m outta business for sure. 
Maybe this is God’s way of telling me to study for my CDL so I can drive grain trucks for the farmers, or to see if Pop’s neighbors need help with the hogs this year… Heck, I can’t be any more broke, I might as well run for public office. I don’t know what to think. All I know is that I hate living this close to the edge. One thing goes wrong, I’m screwed… When I started HippieBoy Design I really thought I’d have at least six or eight months to build up a nestegg before things started going wrong… 
Oh well. We ARE healthy (though Dagmar has some tests coming up next week), and I can find other work, I’m sure. But gosh is this ever disappointing. To have my hopes dashed by a lousy short in a computer… Gaaahhh… 
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

I can’t believe this is happening…

The new hard drive on my computer died. I lost nearly four days of work last week and paid $320 for a replacement hard drive, now the new one’s kaput. 

I’m at wit’s end. 
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

Winter Sucks

I’m so cabin-fevered-stir-crazy I just found myself not only talking to my computer, but I was actually answering junk mail early today in hopes they’d e-mail me back…

They haven’t.

But I still have hope.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

Miscellaneous Notes

The Time Has Come

My beloved Alpine Snickerdoodle Dagmar and I used to make it a point to go out to eat together (or with friends) once a week. We’ve found that we really need the time together just to sit and talk, with no TV burbling in front of us, no computer sitting in the other room calling out, “You know you have e-mail… There’s work to be done…” So for the past few years we’ve made it a habit to get out at least once a week where we can talk sans distractions. We rarely went anywhere fancy — usually Green Gables (a local restaurant, the kind where a little old lady with a cigarette in her mouth would pad over with a plate of liver ‘n onions and meatloaf, “There you go honey,”) or Da Kao, a Vietnamese place a few blocks away where two people can still eat for fourteen bucks…

But when I quit my job to start HippieBoy Design (“Now offering print design and video compositing as well as phantastic photography and affordable web design!”) money got even tighter than it was before — and lack of bread was the main reason I quit my job in the first place — so our dining experiences turned from an hour’s conversation over a plate of The Daily Special at the diner to an occasional five-dollar footlong from Subway, shared off a paper plate in front of the TV. Then those fell by the wayside as well…

Dagmar’s a wonderful cook, and I’m not afraid to eat my own cooking, but we both missed going out every now and then.

So Friday we went with some friends to a local pizza place. We had a great time! I found that I’ve been so isolated the past few months working at home with no transportation that being around a crowd of lively people was slightly unnerving. Dagmar told me I looked like a prairie dog sticking his head out of his hole watching a herd of bison go past. “You couldn’t keep still,” she said, “you had to see everting dat vas going on!” Regardless, we really enjoyed being out, being with friends, money be damned.

Then we went on to a local comedy club hosted by a friend of ours (he actually introduced Dagmar and I nearly a decade ago). As a professional comedian himself he MC’d the show… It was really fun! Money be damned.

After that we stopped in a local watering hole, the Chesterfield, and watched Roger and the Rockers play for an hour or so. I guess three members of the band are in the Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (which is a surprisingly talented organization, actually). I do know that I enjoyed listening to them — I always like hearing Curt play bass. Money be damned.

So now we’re poor, but reasonably happy, in a mild, Midwestern sort of way. (Except that my beloved Austrian Pookiebear Dagmar has had a migraine the last day and a half. Poor girl!)

A Time of Reconciliation

For the last several years we’ve had friends involved in an ongoing feud. Not just a mild sniping or dirty looks kind of feud, but an active, old-fashioned Hatfield vs. McCoy type feud. Dirty tricks, hateful words, barely contained anger.

Normally this sort of thing wouldn’t bother me a whole lot — I’m not one to stick my nose into other people’s business (unless, of course, I want to) — but this feud has affected three families for years, to the extent where when Dagmar and I would run into our friends all we could talk about was the feud. Nothing else. (A typical conversation in the grocery store might be, “Oh, hey! I haven’t seen you in months. How’s your wife? How are the kids doing?” with the answer being, “You’ll never guess what so-and-so did last week!”) It was so bad that one of my friends wouldn’t even go to a funeral because he thought he might run into the other end of the feud…

But the first words of apology and reconciliation were spoken yesterday!

I’m happy that my friends can get their lives back in order and quit focusing all their energies on hatred and anxiety!

Sadly, we seem to have another set of friends who are on the verge of falling into this same sort of feud… I hope the season of understanding and reconciliation lasts a little while longer.

Yay! March is Here! It’s Spring!

I’m really tired of wearing two or three layers of clothing ALL THE TIME. Ah well…

Life in the ‘Hood SUX

I still can’t believe our airline designation here in Sioux City is “SUX.” Whaddaya wanna guess was the subject of the first joke the comedian told last Friday…?


We got home about midnight Friday night and promptly settled in for the night. Dagmar put on her comfy nightshirt (the one with the little kitties on it) and wandered off to bed, rubbing her eyes. I made some popcorn and made myself a nest on the couch in front of the TV and prepared to sleep through a rerun of Star Trek: The Next Generation that I’d recorded. About the time we all got settled — the dog on her little bed next to Dagmar, the cat snoozing on my feet on the couch — Dagmar hissed, “Vhat was dat?”

“What was what?” I hissed back. When someone hisses at you, there’s generally a reason, so I always hiss back. It seems polite, somehow.

“Someone’s pounding at the back door!”

Hmmm… That’s unusual. The back door in question leads from our kitchen through a very small porch (full of junk at the moment) to the alley. We have no yard to the south or east of our house, so the door really does open right into the alley… We locked the door years and years ago and haven’t ever used it. I tried to get it open a few summers back for some reason, but it’s stuck shut. Needless to say, visitors rarely knock at our back door — especially at about one-thirty in the morning.

I heaved my flabby carcass off the couch, thoroughly confusing the cat who had up to that moment been happily sleeping on my feet, and went to the front door, thinking to ease the door open and peek around the corner of the house to see what was going on… But I’d forgotten about the three or four inches of snow that had fallen during the night. Back inside trots the hippie. Shoes on feet, I tried again.

I eased the front door open, not difficult to do as the porch door is broken and swings freely on its hinges, and peeked around the corner.

Sure enough, there was a large man in the alley, beating drunkenly on our door. As I watched he paused, took a step backwards, then tripped in slow motion over something invisible and feel backwards gracefully into the snow. He lay (lie? layed? lied?) there for a moment, then struggled back to his feet. I could see several other “snow angels” in the alley where he’d evidently already fallen. He stared doggedly at the door and was getting set to start pounding again.

“Can I help you?” I called.

He tried to stop in mid-pound, which only resulted in his slumping bodily against the door. He looked up the alley, pushed himself off the door frame, and staggered back a step or two. “Can I help you?” I repeated.

“Oh!” he said. “Yeah. I’m just, um, tryin’ to get into my house, but someone changed the goddam lock and my goddam roommate won’t open the goddam door.” The whole time he spoke these words he was again falling in slow motion, gradually twisting around to face me while simultaneously slumping to the ground. I walked up the alley to help him to his feet. As I got closer I could see that he wasn’t wearing anything but tennis shoes, blue jeans, and a T-shirt that looked like he may have been ill already that evening. Thankfully he rolled over on his hands and knees and started to right himself before I was close enough to feel obligated to help.

“I’m sorry,” I said to him, “but this is my house.”

“Yeah,” he answered, waving at my back door, “thish is my house.”

“No, this is MY house.”

“Whaaa?” He looked up and down the alley. “Your house?”

“Where do you live?” I asked. “Do you need help getting home?”

“I thought I lived goddam here,” he said, weaving badly enough I thought he was gonna fall over yet again. “Where’s goddam Tomás? I live with goddam Tomássssh.”

“I think he lives in that house,” said a voice behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin — I hadn’t heard Dagmar come up behind me. “A man named Tomás lives over there,” she pointed to a house two doors down. “Do you live there?”

“I’m gonna go that way,” the man said, pointing south. “I think I live that way.” He then started off up the street, headed east…

Thirty seconds later I was on the phone. “Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?” said the tinny voice.

“No emergency,” I said. “But a drunk guy was pounding on our side door. He didn’t cause any harm, but he’s gonna freeze to death out there…”

Fifteen minutes later a police cruiser drove slowly past our house. I hope they found the guy. I hope they just took him home.

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

That Ominous Dark Cloud is Back

My iMac died today… It froze and wouldn’t restart. It would get to the little apple symbol on the startup screen and go no further. 

I did some diagnostics, everything checked out okay except it couldn’t figure out what kind of hard drive was in the machine. I put the system CD in with hopes of reinstalling the OS or even reformatting the drive (I back my system up on an external drive every couple days, just did it yesterday, so I wouldn’t lose much), but the installer kept telling me I didn’t have a hard drive in the computer anywhere. I told it to look under the couch, but it was adamant — no hard drive. 
So now my Mac is at the fixit shop. I hope it doesn’t cost much to fix — things are tight enough that this might be the end of my little business… 
I’m scared. 
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”


I’ve been tagged. Oh, the joy of having friends!

The rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

Okay… I’m a sucker for these things. Oh wait! I can use that!

1. I’m a sucker for these things. I don’t know if I have an unmet need to parade the innermost parts of myself in front of the world, or if I’m just too polite to decline the request, but I always play these reindeer games. And I usually enjoy it.

2. I enjoy letting my hair down while it air-dries. My beloved wife Dagmar alvays tells me, “Don’t do dat — it makes you look like a vildman!” I guess at my advanced and increasingly creaky age I sorta like looking like a wildman… And it gives me a headstart on my impending cootdom.

3. Every day I wash my nose out with a saline solution (1 cup warm water, 1/8 tsp. baking soda or baking powder or whatever it is in that yellow box, and 1/8 tsp. salt). Whatcha do is get yourself a turkey-baster thingy, stand over the sink, crank your noggin around as much as you can, and squirt water into one nostril until it starts coming out the other. Then you just kinda irrigate for a while. Tip your head the other way and do it with the other nose-hole. You’d be ASTOUNDED how much goop gets washed out, and how much crud you get when you blow your beak afterwards. I haven’t had a head cold since I started doing this.

4. I’ve found that I have horrible stage fright UNLESS I’m in control of the stage. When I was an officer in the American Legion Riders I had to give a little officer report at every meeting, and it scared the bejeezuz outta me. I’d sit there and wait my turn, rehearsing the words over and over in my mind, until finally it was my time to give my report — and I’d freeze. Invariably. But now that I’m the President and I run the meetings, I’m fine. I don’t know if it’s a control issue, or if I finally realized that when I’m at an ALR meeting I’m surrounded by some of the best friends I’ll ever have, and why be nervous in front of your friends?

5. I will trim my fingernails any time and any place the whimsy strikes me. I always have to be reminded that it’s rude. I don’t want to be rude, mind you, but I have a gift for it…

6. Lately I’ve spent so much time on FaceBook that not much else is getting done…

I’m not really gonna tag anyone (I hate to force people to do things) but I’d like to see Soul Pump, Veggie Killer, and maybe Dad Andersen’s answers if they wanna play along… (Dad A. has often railed against the silliness of posting things about yourself in public places, so it’ll be interesting to see if he plays along.)

If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”

I wish puppies could purr

Things I wish:

  1. I wish people wouldn’t swear on TV. (I’m not calling for censorship, mind you, I just wish people would have the decency to self-censor when the cameras are pointed at them.)
  2. I wish I hadn’t made decaf this morning.
  3. I wish the ice on my driveway would melt.
  4. I wish President Obama well. He’s got a tough row to how.
  5. I wish my wife felt better. I really wish my wife felt better.
  6. I wish I could speak Esperanto. And German. And Latin.
  7. I wish puppies could purr.
  8. I wish the people who make Internet browsers were forced into w3c compliance rather than the 2 million web designers. (At the moment if you want to design a web site that looks the same in FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer you have to write your code in a horribly uncomfortable way as the different browsers all use different conventions. Wouldn’t it be easier for the BROWSERS to be forced to use one language rather than making all the web designers in the world learn all the foibles of each browser?)
  9. I wish I knew how to run my business well.
  10. I wish Putin would just go away.
  11. I wish my cat weren’t diabetic, the poor little guy. He takes his shots so well every day…
  12. I wish common courtesy was more common.
  13. I wish Fred Phelps would realize, could realize the pain he’s caused spreading his hatred. If you don’t know Mr. Phelps, you can go to his website at to see his venom. You can also learn about how bikers have banded together to stop this man and his church from disrupting the funerals of soldiers at Yes, Mr. Phelps leads his church when the protest at military funerals, waving signs reading “God Hates Fags,” “God Hates America,” and “God Bless IED’s” (improvised explosive devices). Can you imagine losing your son, husband, father in Iraq, then having these guys show up at the funeral? So the Patriot Guard formed so we can stand in a line between the protesters and the grieving families. No one would care if the Westboro Baptist Church would protest in the grocery store parking lot, but at a funeral? Aw, come on… And they’re not even protesting the war, they’re protesting homosexuality for some reason. At a funeral. Kinda makes me wonder if Mr. Phelps isn’t hiding something, actually… (When my wife and I heard about all this it took us about twelve seconds to join the Patriot Guard.)
  14. I wish it didn’t take so much time out of the day to shower, brush teeth, find clean clothes, eat, etc. A guy I know once said, “If it weren’t for the necessities of being a carbon-based life form I could get a LOT more work done,” and I know exactly what he means.
  15. I wish greedy people weren’t.
  16. I wish I had an Egg McMuffin.
  17. I wish our school systems could truly teach the next generation. We’re falling behind. Maybe fund the schools so they could go to an 11-month school year or something? Take two weeks off for Christmas and two in the summer — that’s still a week’s more vacation than I had after 15 years at the print shop…
  18. I wish I knew earlier in life that most of the time people are cruel out of a sense of insecurity. It’s rare to find a self-confident bully. In fact, often the more a person feels the need to bully or dominate others, the smaller his/her delicate little ego. Truly self-confident people lead or inspire without belittling others. (Something to remember next time you vote…)
  19. I wish I’d spent more time with family when I was younger.
  20. I wish I spent more time with family now.
  21. I wish I didn’t have to worry constantly about money.
  22. I wish my wife didn’t have to worry constantly about money.
  23. I wish I could be more assertive at times. I tend to ask permission too often rather than just doing what’s right.
  24. I wish all Americans could speak intelligible English.
  25. I wish people would realize that we need to take our lives back from the oil companies for two reasons. If you don’t believe that carbon-based emissions are helping global warming, can you at least stipulate that it’s STUPID for us to keep buying oil from foreign countries — especially when many of them give naught but lip service to stopping terrorism? We’re funding the people who want to kill us. Regardless of the price of gas, please don’t buy a bigger car than you need. Encourage legislation that helps Detroit retool for electric, biofuels, hybrids, etc.
  26. I wish the roads weren’t icy. I miss my motorcycle.
  27. I wish I could relax.
  28. I wish Verizon would quit sending me e-mails telling me I’m eligible to upgrade my phone. Since when do I have to be “eligible” to buy something? If I want to buy a new phone, I’ll go buy one. And why do they think I want to upgrade my phone anyway? Was the one they sold me last year so shoddily manufactured they assume it’s broken by now? Do they think I didn’t know what I wanted when I bought my last phone? I’m perfectly happy with what I have.
  29. I wish I had an iPhone. They look SO much cooler than my cruddy old phone…
  30. I wish they wouldn’t make science fiction movies so spooky.
  31. I wish cats had eyebrows so you could tell what they were thinking…
  32. I wish I could sleep.
If you’re reading this on Facebook, you can see the original blog at, click on “Blog.”